Actress Octavia Spencer will buy out a movie theater in Mississippi to ensure that low-income families and children can see the new film, "Black Panther." (AP)
LOS ANGELES – In a sit down with Gloria Steinem at the 5th annual Makers Conference Oscar-nominated actress Octavia Spencer said her most terrifying role in Hollywood is on its way.
"The role I'm destined to play is to be one of the greatest producers in Hollywood," she at the women’s empowerment event. ”But it's also quite terrifying. It's terrifying because it's a huge undertaking, but I want to be a conduit for storytellers."
Spencer said she seeks out diverse stories.
"I'm really drawn to stories that haven't real been told," she explained. "But I also want the movies I produce to show a broader spectrum of the people in the world. I want to see all shapes and sizes, all ages, all religions because that's what our society is comprised of."
The 46-year-old actress is currently working with HBO on a project about the Jonestown massacre. She is also working on a story about Madam C.J. Walker.
But more than anything the Oscar nominated actress wants to create work that makes an impact.
"I choose things that touch me or resonate within my heart, and that's what I want to put out into the world -- things that will inspire, things that will educate but also allow for some escapism because God knows we need some right now."
Spencer is nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role as Dorothy Vaughan in “Hidden Figures.”