Wrestling legend Big Van Vader announced he has less than two years to live.
The former WWE star wrote on Twitter, "Told by 2 heart Drs that my heart is wore out I. have been given less than two yrs to live I am only now allowing this as part of my reality."
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He added, "Told by 2.heart Drs at this time that my heart is wore out from footbal&wrestling I have 2 yrs to live , [congestive heart] failure reality."
Poor Vader. To me he will always be the best big man of all time. Someone that's style worked in so many different settings.
— Allan (@allan_cheapshot) November 15, 2016
Very sad to hear the news about @itsvadertime. One of my all time favorites and who I patterned my style after.
— Chief Attakullakulla (@thechiefatta) November 15, 2016
Sending good vibes to @itsvadertime. You're a tough SoB and if there's anybody that could fight this, it's you.
— Steve C. (@gnxt7) November 15, 2016
Terrible news about @itsvadertime 😫 heart an orayer go out to u an ur family #StraightOuttaCompton
— cal (@callumspring) November 15, 2016
Vader, whose real name is Leon White, has still been wrestling in the independent circuit after leaving the WWE. He is also a former football player who played for the Los Angeles Rams from 1978-79.