
The reviews are in for Michael Moore's surprise film "Michael Moore in TrumpLand."

While most expected the film to be a takedown about Donald Trump, many felt the film wasn't about Trump at all. Instead, the documentary, which began filming only 12 days ago, was more about why voters should support Hillary Clinton.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Moore starts off the film painting a grim future of the United States should Trump become president. He compares disaffected Americans to the British who voted for Brexit saying they "used the ballot box as an anger management tool" and should Trump win it will be "the biggest 'f--k you' ever recorded in human history."

"What the country doesn’t need is to be told Trump is a sociopath,” Moore said at the film's screening at New York City’s IFC Center, according to the Daily Beast. "He’s produced that movie."

But Moore's true agenda of the film is revealed when he declares his support for Clinton.

"She can be our Pope Francis," he says in the film according to The Hollywood Reporter. He claims Clinton is the candidate to solve the American health care system. "ISIS is gonna s--t if she's president," he said in the film.

Moore premiered a the film discussing the presidential election just three weeks before Americans head to the polls. It was made up of footage from his recent one-man show in Ohio.

He held off announcing that the film was in the works until Monday night and then debuted it in New York on Tuesday night in front of an audience of his fans.

Moore says he hopes more theaters will be announced soon.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.