Meat Loaf reassures fans after collapsing on stage
Singer goes on 'Fox & Friends' to explain what happened
Video of Hillary Clinton’s medical event grabbed headlines this weekend, and the singer Meat Loaf knows what that's like.
Meat Loaf was caught on camera when he collapsed on June 16 during the encore of a concert in Canada, after which he was rushed to the hospital. But he told FOX & Friends on Monday that he’s doing much better now.
“It was just dehydration, no big deal,” he said. “I’m fine, I’ve got some health problems, we’re dealing with them.”
Meat Loaf is promoting his new album "Braver Than We Are," which comes out Friday. The 68-year-old singer said he didn’t want the new release to be more like a symphony without separate tracks, “but because of iTunes,” he didn’t have a choice.
The former football stand-out credits his career to the sport he played in his youth. "My football days made me who I am. I’m very disciplined," he said. "You’ve never seen me have a picture in the paper with a DUI, you don’t see me hanging out in the clubs, you don’t see me drinking. I’m very disciplined.”