
After a rocky 2013, Khloe Kardashian is reportedly ready to start the new year fresh-- without husband of four years Lamar Odom.

Reality star Kardashian, 29, and former NBA player Odom, 34, tied the knot just a month after meeting in 2009. Their troubles surfaced this year when news broke that Odom was abusing crack-cocaine, and his bizarre behavior was later exposed on the Kardashian family's TV series.

When Odom's father, Joe Odom, tried to blame the Kardashians for his son's issues in September, Lamar was quick to publicly defend his wife, tweeting: "He disrespecting the ONLY FAMILY that has loved me without expecting anything in return. They are the ONLY ones that have been here consistently 4 me."

Kardashian seemed to fight for the relationship, even undergoing couple's therapy. But she reportedly stopped wearing her wedding ring when TMZ posted a strange video of her hubby looking dazed and rapping about drugs, money and infidelity in November.

Multiple sources are reporting that Kardashian will finally throw in the towel and file for divorce on Friday. Although they were open about their desire to conceive in happier times, the couple's lack of children and prenuptial agreement could make the divorce a quick and easy procedure.