
People are still trying to work out whether Disney's $4 billion purchase of Lucasfilm was a good or bad idea for "Star Wars," but thanks to George Lucas it will certainly prove to have been a good thing for the world.

The legendary "Star Wars" creator has apparently decided to donate the vast majority of that money to charity.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Lucas plans to put the money into a foundation that focuses on educational issues, a cause close to his heart. A spokesperson said that “George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors.”

SODAHEAD SLIDESHOW: See the most generous celebrities.

In a statement on Wednesday, Lucas himself commented: “For 41 years, the majority of my time and money has been put into the company. As I start a new chapter in my life, it is gratifying that I have the opportunity to devote more time and resources to philanthropy.”

This holds up with Lucas’ generous behavior over the last few years. In 2010 he signed The Giving Pledge, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett’s effort to get America’s wealthiest to donate the majority of their wealth to philanthropy. Around the same time, he declared that he would be “dedicating the majority of my wealth to improving education,” which he described as “the key to the survival of the human race.”

PHOTOS: See the latest celebrity pictures to hit the Internet.

Who do you think is the most generous celebrity?