
Olivia Wilde plays a doctor on TV, and she has her own real-life opinions on U.S. healthcare system.

The "House" star told FOX411's Pop Tarts column that she's long been an advocate for universal health care in the United States, and gives the thumbs up to Vermont’s single-payer system.

“I really like what Vermont is doing. They’re doing a single-payer healthcare experiment right now, and it will be interesting to see how that goes,” Wilde told us at the 10th annual Chrysalis Butterfly Ball fundraising event in Los Angeles over the weekend.

Last month Vermont became the first state to move toward a single-payer health care system when its Democratic Governor Peter Shumlin signed the bill which aims to provide healthcare for all 620,000 state residents. The system, which was approved by the Democratic controlled House and Senate, would be set up so single a government-run organization will collect all healthcare fees, and pay out all healthcare costs.

HOT SHOTS: Olivia Wilde.

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Wilde was being honored at the star-studded event by Chrysalis, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping the homeless population of Los Angeles population find and retain employment, for her work in Haiti with relief organization Artists for Peace and Justice.

“We have a lot of similarities in our organizations. It’s about sustainable assistance, so with Artists for Peace and Justice we run the only free secondary school in Haiti, and it’s all about creating jobs and giving children education so that they can become leaders,” Wilde said. “It’s sustainable and it’s effective, and that’s how Chrysalis operates as well. It’s about arming people with the tools to become self-sustainable people, to have jobs and to not rely on charity.”